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Deepen the Flavor Profile of Your Next Dish with an Infused Olive Oil – Here Is How!

Image for Deepen the Flavor Profile of Your Next Dish with an Infused Olive Oil – Here Is How!

It’s always fun to learn something new! At Vail Village Club, which boasts 2 bedroom apartments in Dallas, we love to provide you with fun, thought-provoking tidbits that will make you reflect on different aspects of life.  

Speaking of reflection, we’ve come to realize that infused olive oils can elevate any meal, and it’s important to use them to your advantage. If you don’t believe us, simply consider adding a lemon or rosemary-infused olive oil to your next meal, whether it’d be a salad, pasta, or other main dish. Though you can easily purchase a bottle of pre-infused oil pretty much anywhere, it’s fun to make your very own creation right in your apartment home. So, follow these simple tips, courtesy of the best Far North Dallas apartments, and you’ll have a delicious, infused olive oil in no time at all.

Gather your container and tools.

For best results, you should set aside a glass bottle for your newly infused olive oil. Be sure that your container has a sturdy lid and is large enough to contain your mixture. You’ll also need access to a range and saucepan. Finally, if you’re working with herbs, consider purchasing a fine mesh strainer, which will help you purify the oil when the time comes.

Select your infusion of choice.

There are many different routes to take when it comes to infusing olive oil. You can add zest with citrus peels, throw in a few stalks of rosemary, or add a variety of natural herbs for a delicious hodgepodge of flavors. Garlic is another great, all-purpose flavor. Feeling adventurous? Try chilis for a subtle spicy flavor that tastes great with Mexican and Latin food.

Mix it up!

Infusing olive oil is quite simple: all you have to do is heat your oil and the infusion mix of choice (lemon, pepper, herb, etc.) over your stove. Simply pour ¾ cup extra virgin olive oil in a medium saucepan and add citrus rinds, herbs, garlic gloves, or chilis to the pan. Allow the mixture to warm over low heat. Be careful not to let the mixture boil or splatter. Once heated through, strain out your additional ingredients, and pour the newly infused oil into a clean, dry glass bottle.

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