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Here Are Some Unique Things to Do with Your Old Smartphone

Image for Here Are Some Unique Things to Do with Your Old Smartphone

These days, it seems like there is a new smartphone on the market every few months. As such, it’s likely that your trusty device is now officially outdated – even if it still works well. If you’re considering upgrading your smartphone to a new model, or you have a few older devices lying around your apartment, here are a few good things to do with these devices. Hint: none of these ideas involve throwing your old smartphone away!

Repurpose it as an alarm clock.

Your cell phone might be too outdated to use on a daily basis, but we bet it can still handle basic functions. So, why not repurpose it into a bedside alarm clock? You can also take your new alarm clock up a notch by installing an app that can help you fall asleep at night. Best of all, since you won’t need to carry your old phone with you, you can keep it charged next to your bed, and never again have to worry about experiencing a dead alarm clock battery.

Use it as a baby monitor.

New parents know how expensive baby toys and devices can be. That’s why, if you have an old phone lying around, you should consider turning it into a makeshift baby monitor. Old smartphones with Wi-Fi connections can utilize an app like Dormi to function just as well as a store-bought baby monitor. Your smartphone turned monitor will also be great for traveling when you might not have space to tote around a monitor system.

Donate it to a charitable organization.

If you’d rather get rid of your old smartphone, don’t just dump it in the trash. Donate it to a charitable organization that can benefit from selling your refurbished or recycled device. Cell Phones for Soldiers buy troops prepaid international calling cards and provides emergency funding to veterans. Another great option is HopeLine from Verizon, which benefits victims and survivors of domestic violence. They'll accept devices in any condition from any service provider.

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